
School of Informatics, Nagoya University

Entrance exam information

School and department enrollment limits

School of informatics 135 First semester: 113, Recommendations: 22
【By department】
Department of Natural Informatics 38 First semester: 30, Recommendations: 8
Department of Human and Social Informatics 38 First semester: 30, Recommendations: 8
Department of Computer Science 59 First semester: 53, Recommendations: 6

Achievement test categories / schedule

●First semester : February 25-26, 2020 
●Recommendations : February 9, 2020

The subjects of the entrance exam

Department of Natural Informatics

National Center Test for University Admissions

Individual achievement tests

Department of Human and Social Informatics

National Center Test for University Admissions

Individual achievement tests

Department of Computer Science

National Center Test for University Admissions

Individual achievement tests

For more information on the entrance exam

Contact the relevant department at:
Admissions Division Education & International Affairs Department
Nagoya University
Furocho, Chikusa-ku, Nagoya 464-8601
Phone : 052-789-5765